Za'atar - a delicious Arabian blend of spices


2 tablespoons dried oregano, preferably Greek or home grown

2 tablespoons sumac

2 tablespoons sesame seeds

1 tablespoon cumin seeds

1 tablespoon corriander seeds

1 tablespoon dried marjoram

1 tablespoon dried thyme

1 tablespoon Aleppo chilli flakes (or more to taste)

1 teaspoon ground dehydrated garlic

1 teaspoon fine sea salt


  1. In a medium skillet over medium heat, toast the cumin, corriander, and sesame seeds until fragrant and the sesame seeds are starting to turn golden.

  2. Simply combine all of the ingredients in a bowl or jar, and stir to combine.

  3. Remove from the heat and transfer to a bowl to cool.

  4. Store za’atar in an air-tight container at room temperature for up to 1 month.


Mix za’atar with olive oil and spread it over pita bread (or pita dough) before baking.

Mix it with olive oil and drizzle it over labneh, Greek yogurt or hummus.

Roll rounds of labneh or a log of goat cheese in the dry spice mixture.

Use the olive oil mixture as a marinade,. Two parts za’atar to one part olive oil will yield a thick spreadable paste, This can be used on chicken before roasting.

The plain spice blend can be used as a dry rub for lamb or goat.

Mix equal parts olive oil and za’atar yields a drizzly sauce that is perfect for dipping bread, pita, or even pizza.

Serve it as an appetizer with pita wedges, crackers or crisp, raw vegetables such as cauliflower, cucumber raddish, and tomatoes.